Types of Fish to Catch On an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter
Deep sea fishing is an exciting and rewarding experience that any fishing enthusiast is sure to enjoy. And Oregon is one of the best destinations for any deep sea fishing enthusiast! It has stunning waters and views, but you also find an incredible variety of fish deep in its waters.
If you’re considering a trip to Oregon and want to know more about what kind of fish you’re likely to encounter, this is the best guide for you! From everything you need to know about deep sea fishing to all the fish you can catch, we don’t leave any stones unturned.
Check out our other fishing in Oregon guides for more tips, tricks, and insider information on everything Oregon fishing!
Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
Aside from its fantastic landscape, fun beaches, and must-see destinations, Oregon is well-known for its excellent fish in its pristine waters. But besides the fishing on Columbia River and off the Oregon coast, deep sea fishing is another popular activity. It’s a great way to experience a new kind of fishing if you’re looking for a new adventure. But what counts as deep sea fishing?
Deep sea fishing is any kind of fishing that is done far out into the waters, usually with a depth of at least 100 feet. The fish you can find at this kind of depth vary in species and availability throughout the seasons, but there’s always something to catch year-round. But if you want to get as much variety as possible, we suggest booking a trip for the fall. Besides the sheer excitement that comes with deep sea fishing, it is also a unique experience. Just a few decades ago, deep sea fishing was reserved for commercial fishing. So how lucky are we that we get to experience it today whenever we like?
What Fish You Can Catch on a Deep Sea Fishing Trip
There is an incredible amount of fish in Oregon waters, and deep sea fishing is an excellent way to explore that. These are just some of the fish you can find on your trip:
We consider halibut to be one of the most amazing catches you can make in Oregon. Not only are they a delight to eat, but they’re incredibly large and beautiful fish. That makes them an incredibly satisfying fish to catch. But to make this catch, you’ll have to be in waters at least 750 feet deep, where large fish like halibut thrive.
Because these flatfish are found so far from the coast, you’ll need really good weather to allow your boat to go far into the ocean. Springtime is generally the best time of the year to catch halibut – the clear skies are perfect for this kind of deep sea fishing. Consider booking your fishing charter from March to May.
Though neither ling nor cod, the lingcod makes for the most reliable to catch while deep sea fishing in Oregon. That is because they are available throughout the year, and regulations from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife at the time of writing don’t include limits on when you can catch them.
With their long bodies and distinctive mouths full of sharp teeth, lingcod is an excellent catch for sport and eating. Lingcod like living close to the bottom of the sea, and you can sometimes even find them 400 feet in the ocean.
In Oregon, you can catch over 25 types of rockfish living in the water. They’re an incredibly interesting fish to catch, and deep sea fishing is the best way to catch them. If you want to try deep sea fishing during the winter months like November, December, and January, rockfish fishing is especially vibrant during these months. Just make sure you bring a licensed fishing guide with you to help you navigate the cold waters.
Albacore Tuna
Last, but certainly not least, on our list is the ever-popular Albacore Tuna. Though they don’t make for the easiest catch, anglers can agree that the hardship is definitely worth it. Not only are they delicious fish, but they also provide a lot of excitement as they fight hard when caught. And in Oregon, the 25-fish bag limit for Albacore Tuna is extremely irresistable to fishers around the country.
Fishing for Albacore Tuna is best in July and August, but there is still enough to catch in the months after. Just make sure you book a fishing charter early! Its immense popularity can make it hard to find a booking.
Why You Should Hire a Deep Sea Fishing Charter
If you’re deep sea fishing, you will need a licensed guide to ensure your safety and help you navigate the complex waters off the Oregon Coast. But if you want to make your trip even easier and more convenient, consider hiring a reputable fishing charter to take care of things for you. At Pastime Fishing Adventures, we provide your boat, equipment, bait, and guide, so you can focus on your fishing.
Book today to get a slot for our most popular months! We offer a variety of packages to suit any group.
Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!