Pre-Tip Survey and Waiver
Thanks for booking your first trip with Pastime Fishing Adventures! We are excited to help you create the memories of a lifetime. If you have any questions before the trip, please feel free to contact us directly at (503) 510-1100 or email us at Please have each member of the group fill out the form below.

Please fill our one form per angler over the age of 18. A legal guardian must fill in the information for any dependents that will be fishing.
Pastime Fishing Adventures Waiver and Disclaimer
We, the undersigned, fully understand that we are boarding a charter fishing vessel to fish in open water. I understand and assume the risks and hazards associated with offshore fishing. These risks and hazards include, but are not limited to, the following:
Sun, rain, lightning, sea spray, and any other weather conditions; sea sickness; pitching and rolling; slippery and wet decks; injuries, internal or external, from: boarding and disembarking the vessel; fish, fishing, fishing tackle, and gear; and the unintentional conduct of any other persons on the boat.
I understand and agree that I will not hold the Captain, Crew, or Corporation liable for risks and hazards associated with offshore fishing, and I expressly release them from all such risks and hazards. Moreover, I am not in possession of any illegal substances, and I release the Captain, Crew, and Corporation from any liability whatsoever for any illegal actions taken by myself on the vessel. Finally, I certify and promise that I am not in possession of any electronic equipment, GPS, and/or Loran devices.
I further understand that this trip is not recommended for anyone with pre-existing conditions such as circulatory problems; high blood pressure; heart conditions; pregnancy; weak bones; knees, back or ankle problems.
I have read this Promises, General Release, Waiver and Consent Agreement and understand it is a legal document designed to inform me of risks and release the Captain, Crew and Company from any and all liability for personal injuries, mishaps, or omissions from the conduct of other fisherman (intentional or not) and crew (unintentional) during this fishing/dive charter.
I agree that my signature on the back of this page constitutes a waiver and release for any future charters I may take with Pastime Fishing Adventures.