Everything You Need to Know About Newport Oregon Coho Salmon Fishing
Newport Oregon is an all-around destination when you want to go off-shore fishing. You can find a ton of fish species in the area, including chinook and coho salmon throughout the different seasons. Besides this, Newport is known to be a safer ocean access point on the coast compared to others.
Whether you are going on a charter boat, fishing from the shore, or through other means, you have to be prepared. But what do you need to know about coho salmon fishing and how can you get a successful catch or two?
Read on to learn more about Newport Oregon Coho Salmon Fishing in this guide!
What is the Coho Salmon?
Before I get into how to fish for coho salmon, what is coho salmon in the first place?
Coho salmon is bluish-black in color and has silver sides when in saltwater. It also has black spots on its back and upper part of its caudal fins. They are smaller and slimmer compared to chinook salmon, reaching around 39 inches long and weighing only up to 31 pounds, though on average, they weigh 6-12 pounds.
Spawning will begin from November to January, the eggs hatching come springtime. The fry will stay in streams for more than a year. Cohos will return to spawning once they reach 3 years old, spawning in the same area chinook would.
Newport Oregon Coho Salmon Fishing
Now that you know what the Coho Salmon is, the next question is: How can you fish for them successfully? If you’re in Newport, Oregon, follow these effective tips to get more fishing opportunities and catches!
About Coho Salmon Fishing
When you want to fish for coho salmon, you have to know that they’re pretty tough and ready to fight. While smaller than chinook, they are challenging to catch, with less-experienced anglers feeling discouraged. Coho salmon would trash and pull, using all their force once hooked, so be prepared and stay strong as you try catching them.
While strong, this makes them easier to find. They are aggressive, splashy, and social fish that love rolling and jumping on the water surface. Be patient and don’t leave to find them, taking the time to let them show where they are.
When differentiating coho salmon from other species, look at their mouths. Coho salmon would have black mouths and white gums. They would also have a maroon kye and dark back.
Where to Fish in Newport
The best areas to fish when in Newport, Oregon is anywhere in lakes, rivers, inshore, and nearshore locations. To be more specific, consider visiting Depoe or Yaquina Bay.
Depoe Bay only has 6 acres of water, is known as the smallest harbor worldwide. Even if it is small, it’s home to a lot of fish and great reefs, suitable for bottom fishing species like coho salmon. Depoe Bay has around 5,000 coho salmon and 1,000-3,000 chinook salmon annually.
Yaquina Bay is best suited for anglers who are offshore fishing. In 2003-2004, there were over 12,000 coho salmon!
Baits to Use
When packing baits, salmon roe is optimum when catching most salmon species. Besides salmon roe, you can prepare anchovies, herring, shrimp, or sardines.
For those who want to catch chinook salmon, opt for cured roe or green and red-colored lures and plugs.
Common Techniques
When you are catching coho salmon in Newport, Oregon, these are the best techniques to use:
- Drift fishing
- Fly fishing
- Spinning
- Trolling
If you plan to use a single all-purpose rod, use one that is between 8’6 to 9’6 feet long with a 10-15 pound line and sensitive tip. For those who want heavier rods that can handle larger fish species, invest in a casting rod and reel. For heavier rods, use a 15-20 pound line.
When is Salmon Season?
It’s best to catch coho salmon in Newport, Oregon from June to November.
For chum salmon fishing, it’s best to fish from July to October. For chinook salmon, March to October is optimum.
As for the time of day, it’s better to do so early morning, if the area permits it. Many anglers opt to fish early in the morning, getting their lines in the water when you begin seeing light. That said, many anglers also have better success catching coho salmon when the sun is up and it’s become a few degrees warmer.
Think about the changes in weather as well, which can make or break your day out catching fish. As the weather gets colder, it also turns off the bite. If the weather is unstable, wait for a few days until the weather clears out and the weather forecast shows little to no chance of inclement weather.
Newport’s Salmon Fishing Regulations
Remember, when fishing anywhere, they have limits and regulations to follow. You need to follow such regulations, which are based on the local government rules. Failure to do can result in your license being revoked, a hefty fee, and the risk of never fishing again!
In Newport Oregon, you are limited to catching two salmon per angler a day. The coho salmon will need to be over 16 inches long when caught. As for chinook, it needs to be 24 inches, while chum has no minimum length requirement.
How to Cook Newport, Oregon
If you caught chum and plan to take it home to cook, think of it as preparing any other salmon. There are so many ways to prepare salmon, such as:
- Canning
- Filleting
- Smoking
- Consuming raw
- As a burger patty
What Else Can You Catch?
Besides coho, chinook, or chum salmon, what else is there to catch?
You can also find cabezon, halibut, sea bass, lingcod, Dungeness crabs, and more!
Wrapping It Up
Newport is well known for coho salmon fishing, along with chum and chinook salmon. Numerous anglers visit the area as the salmon here offer nutritious and delicious meat. Plus, coho salmon makes for an excellent game, for all anglers to practice their fishing skills.
Hopefully, these tips on Newport Oregon Coho Salmon fishing gave you an idea of what they are and how to catch them!
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