A Guide to Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
A Guide to Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
Almost every angler knows that the Oregon Coast offers some of the most beautiful sights and attractions along the West Coast. From fantastic beaches to a vast history, every city in the state offers something amazing for everyone. And let’s not forget the many fishing opportunities, especially when deep sea fishing in Oregon.
Some anglers question the worthiness of heading to Oregon for some fishing action. The short answer is – The trip to the Beaver State is definitely worth your time and money!
But before preparing to go deep. sea fishing in Oregon, take a look at our quick guide.
A Guide to Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
Many of us are aware of the amazing experiences when deep sea fishing in Oregon. But before you book a charter and jump at the chance to travel, take a look at what you must know first:
What to Catch When Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
The great thing about the state’s Pacific Coast is that you will always know what you’re looking for and how high your chances are. As you take more trips to Oregon’s fine waters, you’ll soon have your favorite targeted species, too. Take a look at the four most popular species you can expect to reel in:
Did you know that there are almost 30 different species of Rockfish in Oregon’s waters? It may be tough to tell them apart, but you can learn from a charter captain and crew. Expect to catch species like Canary, Widow, or Yellowtail Rockfish.
Many anglers tend to overlook the Lingcod, but they are a fun catch, especially come wintertime. You can catch them all year long without many restrictions, some of them going over 350 feet deep.
Halibut is one of the most delicious fish in the country, making them a popular catch! But because of that, they have strict fishing regulations to ensure a healthy fishery. If you plan to catch one, you’ll have to target them in waters over 800 feet deep.
Albacore Tuna
While the state’s tuna fishing is on the shorter end, you can still expect a ton of fun once the species are close enough for you to target (about 20-50 miles offshore). You can head to the southern part of Oregon to get the best access to tuna, particularly Albacore tuna, coming in big schools!
Where to Go Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
Another great thing about deep sea fishing in Oregon is the abundance of places you can fish in! Just choose a place on the coastline and you’ll find a charter captain starting their trips from there. We recommend heading towards the northern or southern edges for the coastline, where the best fisheries are at.
These are the top three places to head to when deep sea fishing in Oregon:
This is one of the most popular fisheries in the state for many amazing reasons. You get easier access to the Columbia River and the Pacific, with a ton of variety when it comes to fish and anglers. It’s a default fishing spot for many anglers who want to explore the fun of Oregon fishing.
Coos Bay
Coos Bay is known as Oregon’s tuna central, located on the far south of the Oregon Coast. Once Albacore tuna season begins, you’ll want to be here. You’ll also get a lot of halibut, lingcod, and crabs, though it’s Albacore tuna that makes Coos Bay so popular.
Newport is located in the center of the Oregon Coast, with amazing fishing opportunities all year long. It’s a must for those who are targeting lingcod, though you can also catch halibut, rockfish, and many more species.
Popular Deep Sea Fishing Techniques
Local anglers stick with techniques that are proven effective, so you can expect to use classic techniques like trolling and bottom fishing.
Trolling or Live Baiting
Once the fishing season starts in mid-July, we recommend trolling using tuna jigs and diving plugs. Come to the end of August, you’ll want to switch things up, as traditional trolling with jigs won’t be as effective. As such, anglers will start fishing live bait.
If you’re targeting Albacore tuna or chum bait and you’ll witness the chaos that follows in a school of tuna. It’s quite a sight!
Bottom Fishing
Targeting large Lingcod? You’ll need to head over to the deep! Remember, the deeper the water, the bigger the fish. For Lingcod, expect the big ones to be about 400 feet deep, while halibut can go twice as deep.
If you plan to go bottom fishing at great depths, make sure you prepare heavy-duty tackle and gear.
When to Go Deep Sea Fishing in Oregon
For those wondering when to go deep sea fishing in Oregon, it will depend on your target species.
For instance, Albacore tuna has the tightest schedule, showing up from the end of July until October. Halibut season is open from May to October, while you can reel in Lingcod all year long!
That’s why it’s important to make sure you are aware of the fishing restrictions of Oregon and stay updated with open seasons and catch limits. Moreover, you must purchase a fishing license to legally fish in the state.
But either way, you can expect a lot of fishing action all year long. To get the best of what offshore fishing in Oregon has to offer, you’ll want to schedule your trip in the fall. If you plan to book a charter, make sure you do so in advance to avoid being left without a slot!
Wrapping It Up
We hope this quick guide on deep sea fishing in Oregon helped you out! Now that you know more about what to expect in Oregon, the next step is preparing for your trip.
If you haven’t booked a fishing charter yet, now’s the time to do so. Contact us now!
Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!

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