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How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter

So, you just booked a deep-sea fishing charter in Oregon; congratulations! You must be excited about your big adventure, with lots of fish to catch, whether it’s salmon to halibut. But wait, you just realized – You quickly get seasick.

Don’t worry, folks, because your fishing trip isn’t doomed. There are actually numerous things you can do to prevent seasickness or to at least keep the symptoms at bay. Read on to learn all about how to prevent seasickness on an Oregon deep sea fishing charter.


How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter

Fortunately, seasickness isn’t fatal. However, it sure is uncomfortable as you suffer from dizziness and nausea throughout your trip. It just ruins the entire experience, and you might not be able to catch any fish because of how sick you feel.

To prevent a ruined fishing trip, there are things you can do to prevent seasickness from happening and to stay safe, such as:

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter 2

Sleep Enough

One of the best ways to prevent seasickness is before you head to the boat in the first place. You must ensure your body is in peak condition and arrive well-rested so your stamina and reduce the risk of fatigue-induced motion sickness.

Moreover, the United States Navy conducted research that showed how sleep deprivation could interfere with our vestibular system’s habituation process. That means it may lower our inner ear’s ability to adapt to changes in the body’s equilibrium. Because of that, lack of sleep can lead to frequent and severe occurrences of seasickness. So, ensure you get at least eight hours the night before your trip.

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter 3 

Get Enough Food (Not Too Much)

Alright, maybe someone told you that you shouldn’t overeat before your fishing trip. But that doesn’t mean you should starve yourself before boarding the boat to avoid hurling your breakfast over the waters.

You don’t want to voyage on an empty stomach, but you shouldn’t stuff yourself. Balance is critical here, so you need to eat just enough to set yourself up for a good fishing trip.

We recommend beginning your day with a small yet filling meal like pancakes, bagels, or oatmeal. During your trip, graze a bit throughout your day by consuming granola bars, fruits, sandwiches, and the like. Don’t forget to drink water and stay hydrated, too!

It’s also about what you eat, so we recommend fresh and nutritious whole foods to prevent becoming seasick. Think fruits, veggies, lean proteins, oatmeal, and the like. Stay away from greasy foods that can surely fire your stomach up!

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter 4 

No to Alcohol

Those who enjoy alcohol already know its effects on your consciousness and your physical self! It makes you feel extra dizzy and nauseous, especially if you drink a lot and suffer from that raging hangover the next day.

With alcohol, you get to experience all the symptoms of seasickness without even stepping foot on the boat, so you obviously wouldn’t want it in your system before or during your fishing trip.

Alcohol can magnify the symptoms of motion sickness, including headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Do not drink too much alcohol for at least 24 hours before your fishing trip. Even a tiny hangover can end up with you feeling very seasick later on.

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter 5 

Take Medication

If you have motion sickness issues, you can always go for over-the-counter medication. You can find medicines like Bonine and Dramamine, which helps with the symptoms of seasickness. However, ensure you choose the non-drowsy formulas, or you’ll end up sleeping throughout the trip rather than actually fishing.

If you haven’t taken any of these medications before, we recommend talking with your doctor about it and taking it for a test run a few days before the fishing trip.

For those using antihistamines to prevent motion sickness, take the recommended dosage before you sleep the night before your trip. Afterward, take another non-drowsy dose an hour before boarding the boat. 

Interestingly enough, there are other products you can purchase and use, such as the Scopolamine Transdermal Patch. However, this will require a prescription from the doctor. This patch was proven somewhat effective in reducing nausea, motion sickness, and vomiting.

Place the patch behind your ear, and it will deliver the medication through the skin. This patch works by reducing the effects of acetylcholine on your central nervous system.

Another product is the Sea-Band, an over-the-counter bracelet you wear on the wrist. It would exert pressure and stimulate your Nei-Kuan acupressure point, which can reduce seasickness as effectively as other medications.


Eat a Bit of Ginger

Do you prefer a more natural remedy to combat motion sickness before it begins? Then take some ginger with you!

Sailors have been using this herbal remedy for centuries now. A study from the Brigham Young University found that a gram of ginger is more effective against motion sickness than one dose of Dramamine.

We’re unsure how ginger works to prevent motion sickness, but scientists say ginger can shut down messages between the brain and digestive tract, thus lessening the nausea effects.

While you can munch on fresh ginger, you may want to try other ginger-based products designed for motion sicknesses, such as ginger capsules, gum, lollipop, tea, and more. Find a form of ginger you prefer and pack it with you on your deep sea fishing trip to take before and during your excursion.


Wrapping It Up

Seasickness can really dampen a fishing trip, especially if it’s a deep-sea fishing trip where you’ll be on the waters for hours on end. But that doesn’t mean you should let it! Follow these tips on how to prevent seasickness on an Oregon deep sea fishing charter and focus more on enjoying and catching the big one.

If you’re still looking for fishing charters to book, don’t hesitate to contact us now for our services. We’ll be glad to connect you with the top fishing guides and charters for your next trip.

How to Prevent Sea Sickness on an Oregon Deep Sea Fishing Charter 1

Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!

Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing: What You Should Know

Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing: What You Should Know

Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing: What You Should Know

While we love Oregon for its myriad of fishing opportunities, some people tend to leave one species behind: Crabs! Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing is a fun and fulfilling experience you can do yourself, with friends, or with family! Not only do you enjoy the pride of catching crabs, but you get to bring some home to cook a feast.


Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing

Depoe Bay, the world’s smallest bay, attracts thousands of visitors yearly. It’s an ideal location not for its beauty but because it’s mere minutes from productive fishing opportunities along Oregon Coast.

You can go Depoe Bay Oregon crabbing here from the port docks. The area allows it from about 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes before sunset. You’ll need to remove all crabbing equipment from the docks during the prohibited hours. Moreover, children under 14 years old must wear lifejackets, which the parents must provide.

Most times, you’ll get to catch Rock Crabs in Depoe Bay, which you can find in bays with rocky bottoms. You can also find Dungeness crabs, which like sandy bay bottoms and ell grass. If you find bays with rocky and sandy bottoms, you’ll likely catch Dungeness and Rock crabs!

Note that, while crab season is all year long in Depoe Bay, there’s a 24-crab limit regardless of the sex and size. Even if you can go crabbing any time of the year, we recommend crabbing in September, when they are more filled out with more quality meat.

Here are other things you must know about Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing:

Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing 2 

Crab Traps

One of the crucial things to get is a crab trap. You can either purchase a crap trap or rent one along Depoe Bay. Usually, there are three types of crab traps to rent:

  • Danielson Crab Traps are “soakers,” which we recommend using in socks, boats, or piers. That means you need to pull the trap after it soaks for an hour or so. The usual size is 2 x 2 x 1 foot. The trap would use the crab’s instincts to trap itself, luring the crab with a bait bag into the cage through strategically-placed openings where they can enter but never escape.
  • Ring Crab Traps would require you to bait crabs into the ring and then pull the trap up when you detect crabs inside. The most straightforward crab ring is the two-ring crab net. You just need to pull your Crab Rung up as quickly as possible when the outer ring forms a wall so crabs won’t escape. You must pull Crab Rings up every 5-10 minutes, though that depends on the crab activity.
  • Crab Trappers are two metal-netted 24-inch sides. If these are lied flat, it will look like a 24-inch circle. It’s the only crab trap you can use from the beach or shore, though you can also use it on the dock, pier, and boat.

There is no best crab trap as it depends on your preference, strategy, and the crab activity for the day. If you plan to rent, there are places allowing you to rent one, two, or all three traps to experiment with what best works for you. The prices can range from $20-125 per set, depending on how many traps you want.

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What Equipment to Prepare

Of course, it’s important to pack ahead and know what you’ll bring when going to Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing. Besides the crab traps, here are other things to prepare:

  • Crab bait like chicken, turkey, fish, mink, shad, clams, herring, carcass. We recommend bringing fresh bait.
  • A bucket to place your caught crabs in
  • Gloves to stay protected because crabs can snap!
  • Crab measuring gauge to know the size of the crab and whether it’s worth keeping or not (let those smaller crabs go to grow)
  • You will also need a shellfish license, which costs $10 for Oregon state residents and $19 for out-of-state residences. You’ll only require one license for every three crab traps. That said, Oregon offers visitors and residents to try crabbing without a license or tag during specific listed dates yearly, usually happening on the last week of November.
  • Food, snacks, and lots of water! You’ll be out for hours, so it’s best to stay hydrated and filled up with all the work you’ll be doing.
  • Money to buy bait, rent traps, rent kayaks, or join crab boats!

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The Best Time to Crab

While you can go crabbing anytime within the allowed hours, some times are better than others. We recommend crabbing during slack water (slack tide), which is the time of peak low or high tide. During the swift tidal exchanges, the crab would usually bury themselves. During slack water, crabs are usually walking and foraging, feeling less affected by today’s currents.

We recommend harvesting crab during the one-hour time slot on every side of high tides for that day, giving you a two-hour time slot. The tides move slowly, so the crabs can roam around looking for food freely without having to fight the current. You can use this to your advantage, though you can trap crabs during other times of the day, too.

Once you’re done crabbing, you can head to the many different restaurants and tourist attractions Depoe Bay offers! Some restaurants and other places can cook your freshly caught crab just the way you like it for a small fee. Or, you can take it up a notch and go to the waters, trying your hand at fishing and joining charters.

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Wrapping It Up

If you plan to go Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing, you must be prepared! You shouldn’t only prepare with the proper equipment, but also know the rules before heading to Depoe Bay to avoid any delays or penalties.

Hopefully, you learned a lot about Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing! If you would also like to fish, consider hiring fishing charters as well! Feel free to contact us now to learn about our services and schedule.

Depoe Bay Oregon Crabbing 1

Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!

Best Ways to Cook Fresh Columbia River Walleye

Best Ways to Cook Fresh Columbia River Walleye

Best Ways to Cook Fresh Columbia River Walleye

One of the best parts of fishing is bringing home your catch! If you caught fresh Columbia River Walleye, you would definitely enjoy the sweet, mild meat it can bring.

With such delicious meat, it’s only fitting to cook the fish in the best way possible. And did you know that consuming Walleye also has its health benefits? It’s rich in protein and other essential vitamins and minerals we need!

Impress your family and friends with both your fishing and cooking skills! Read on to learn the best ways to cook fresh Columbia River Walleye.


Best Ways to Cook Fresh Columbia River Walleye

Who said cooking Walleye had to be so complicated? Please make sure you properly fillet and clean your fish before using it for your favorite recipes.

Here are the four best ways to cook fresh Columbia River Walleye without further ado!

Walleye, Capers and Lemon - The Sporting Chef

Butter Poached Walleye

Poaching is a fool-proof way to prepare fish, especially delicate species like Walleye! When poaching Walleye at a lower temperature, the fish stays moist and tender for everyone’s enjoyment.

Follow this recipe:

  • One pound of skinless walleye fillets
  • Two cups of chicken broth or fish stock
  • One cup of dry white wine
  • Five tablespoons of butter
  • ½ cup of chopped onions
  • ¼ cup of chopped parsley
  • Five cloves of sliced garlic
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Salt to taste
  • Parsley for garnishing
  1. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium-low heat
  2. Add your onions and garlic, cooking for 3-4 minutes or until translucent. Don’t let your butter brown!
  3. Add the stock or broth and dry white wine, increasing the heat to medium. Add salt to taste.
  4. Once you see bubbles forming, turn the heat back to medium-low. Add the fish and chopped parsley, with the cooking liquid covering the fish.
  5. Let the fish poach for about five minutes, keeping the liquid under 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Take the fish off the heat and serve on a plate, squeezing lemon over the fish. You can either serve the fish hot or refrigerate it to help cold on salads.

241 Walleye Dinner Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

Grilled Walleye

Grilled Walleye is another delicious way to cook fish, perfect for casual dinner parties. You can also be creative with the sauce and marinades, adding more flavor to the fish. Here’s a recipe to follow:


  • Two tablespoons of unsalted butter at room temperature
  • ¼ cup of coarsely chopped, toasted pecans, divided into two
  • Two teaspoons of orange juice
  • One teaspoon of fresh chives
  • 12 ounces of walleye fillets
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • ¼ teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
  1. Combine the butter, half of your pecans, orange juice, and chives in a small bowl. Mix this well.
  2. Preheat your grill. When hot, prepare a 12-inch square piece of aluminum foil, cutting 2-inch slits into it every two inches. Spray this using a nonstick spray or brush with oil. Place the foil on the grill.
  3. Place the walleye fillets on the foil, sprinkling them with your desired seasonings.
  4. Grill the fish for 6-9 minutes. Afterward, top the fillets with your butter mixture. Grill the fillets for another 2-3 minutes. It’s done when the fish flakes with a fork easily and reaches an internal temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Remove your fillets from the heat, sprinkling them with your remaining pecan pieces.
  6. Serve and enjoy while it’s hot!

Pan Seared Walleye - Tribal Foods

Pan-Seared Walleye

This is a relatively easy recipe to follow, suitable for beginner cooks! Like poaching, pan-searing is one of the easiest ways to prepare any kind of fish. Check out this recipe:


  • Two 4-6-ounce Walleye fillets, with or without skin
  • Two tablespoons of butter or oil
  • One teaspoon of lemon pepper seasoning or other preferred seasonings


  1. Heat your skillet to medium heat, adding the butter or oil.
  2. Season your Walleye fillets with your chosen seasoning.
  3. Once the butter or oil is hot, place your fish on the pan and place a pan on top of the fish. Doing this creates steam in the pan.
  4. Let the fish cook for 4-5 minutes per side or until it reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. The fish is done cooking once the Walleye meat turns white.
  5. Serve with your favorite sides (like fries, rice, or salad), and enjoy!

Pan-Fried Walleye Recipe -

Honey-Fried Walleye

This is a unique take on the Walleye because you’ll be frying it with honey! Surprisingly, the sugar works well with the fish, as it strikes a balance between sweet and savory. It’s a simple twist to the classic fish and chips.


  • One large egg
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • One cup of coarsely crushed saltines or other similar crackers
  • 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt
  • ¼ teaspoon of pepper
  • 4-6 Walleye fillets
  • Canola oil
  • More honey


  1. Beat the egg and one teaspoon of honey in a shallow bowl. Combine your cracker crumbs, flour, and seasonings in a separate bowl.
  2. Dip the fillets in the egg mixture and coat it with the crumb mixture.
  3. Heat ¼ inches of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot enough, fry the fish for 3-4 minutes on each side or until the fillets flake easily with a fork.
  4. Take your fillets off the heat and on a plate, drizzling them with additional honey. Serve with fries, lemon wedges, and your favorite dip!


Wrapping It Up

Even if you aren’t a world-class chef, the best ways to cook fresh Columbia River Walleye isn’t a huge challenge! Show off your skills and let your loved ones know the story of how you caught today’s dinner as they enjoy the meal.


Hopefully, these recipes helped you get an idea of how to cook your catch! If you’re still daydreaming about the day you get to fish and cook your catch, now’s the time to stop. Instead, contact us now, and let’s schedule your trip with fishing charters like us.

Cook Fresh Columbia River Walleye 1

Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!

Best Practices to Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter

Best Practices to Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter

Best Practices to Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter

So, you finally booked your deep sea fishing charter in Oregon, and you’re feeling pumped! And who wouldn’t be? There are so many fish you can catch! Imagine the thrill of reeling in a monster and the stories you get to tell your loved ones when you arrive home?

But of course, there’s always the slight worry about things that may go wrong when you’re out in the deep blue waters. Of course, fishing charters are safe, and you have a professional captain and crew prioritizing your safety throughout the trip! But there are things that you can do to make it safer for you during the fishing charter.

Read on for the best practices to stay safe on a deep sea fishing charter.


Best Practices to Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter

Heading to the vast ocean to experience deep sea fishing is an adventure family and friends will enjoy together. While it’s a fun and exciting time, it’s crucial to follow safety precautions and prepare for the trip to ensure everything is smooth sailing.

Here are the tips to follow:

Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter 2

Listen to the Crew

You’ll most likely have a short safety orientation before heading to the boat, so make sure you listen to the instructions and obey them throughout. Also, always listen to the captain and crew, following their advice. All the safety precautions they say and do are set in place to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment.

Besides listening to the crew, it’s best to learn about the onboard safety equipment. The fishing charter must be equipped with standard boat safety equipment like life jackets, flares, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and the like. Ensure you know how to use this equipment and where to find it to avoid delays during emergencies.


Obey the Fishing Restrictions

There are state rules and regulations no matter what waters you head to. Oregon has specific fishing regulations and restrictions you must follow to maintain proper fish populations.

Make sure that you’re aware of the catch and size limits, read up on the rules, and listen to the captain. If the crew says you need to release the fish, put it back into the waters. Don’t worry; there are many opportunities to catch more fish to keep.

Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter 3 

Use Protection!

No, not THAT kind of protection! We’re talking about sun protection!

Even if it doesn’t look too sunny, you’ll be exposed to harmful UV rays throughout the day. Plus, the sun would reflect the waters, so you stand a higher risk of getting sunburnt without sunscreen.

Prepare sunscreen and lather yourself up at least 15 minutes before you depart land. The goal is to fry your catch after returning home, not to fry yourself!

Besides that, we also recommend bringing insect spray or lotion to use before the trip. You might get exposed to a lot of bugs while outdoors. To avoid that pesky bug bites, have insect repellant around.


Dress Properly

When you’re on a fishing charter, you’ll be exposed to the elements, whether it’s the sun, rain, or heavy winds. Besides preparing the typical sun protection mentioned above, make sure that you also wear layered clothing to prevent sunburn and heatstroke.

Furthermore, make sure you wear anti-glare sunglasses and a hat that can cover part of your face. As for shoes, do not wear flip-flops or open-toed sandals, even if it does feel more comfortable since you’ll get wet. Instead, wear shoes with enough traction as you’ll be walking around a slippery boat.

Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter 4 

Avoid Alcohol

Sure, it would be fun to enjoy fishing over a few beers, but the Coast Guard highly recommends against it! Leave all alcoholic beverages off fishing boats, even if you aren’t responsible for maneuvering the boat.

As you know, alcohol can impair one’s thinking and movements, so intoxicated passengers are more likely to get injured when onboard. Worst case scenario, they can fall off the boat or cause accidents. It would be more challenging dealing with such accidents when on the open waters when land is miles away.

It’s crucial to stay hydrated when under the hot sun, but go for water and other non-alcoholic beverages. The beer and hard liquor can wait until you get back to land after cooking your catch!


Be Careful Handling Tackle

As you handle tackle, remember that these are sharp items. When using them, they can travel at high speeds. Before casting, look over your shoulder to ensure you aren’t hooking an object or person.

Also, do not leave your tackle or equipment on the ground, which is a tripping hazard. If you need to remove deeply-embedded fish hooks, use pliers and not your fingers to avoid injuries.

Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter 5 

Do You Get Seasick Easily?

Anyone can get seasick, and it’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings that can ruin your day out in the waters. Prepare travel sickness tablets just in case you or someone else starts to feel queasy.


What to Eat

While skipping meals may help reduce the chance of vomiting, it’s not recommended. Never fish on an empty stomach and have a light meal before leaving. Also, prepare light meals and snacks such as sandwiches, energy bars, and water.

We can’t emphasize how much you need to stay hydrated, especially during hot days. Bring insulated bottles of cold water or coolers filled with ice water to refresh yourself throughout the day.


Wrapping It Up

While the captain and crew will remind you about some of these safety tips, it’s best to prepare ahead. That way, you can focus more on having fun waiting and reeling in huge catches in the deep waters. We hope our tips helped you out and relieved some of your pre-charter jitters!

You can learn more about Oregon and the fishing action in our blog or contact us to avail of charter services. We can provide the services you want and need to make your trip fun.

Stay Safe on a Deep Sea Fishing Charter 1

Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport, Oregon

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport, Oregon

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport, Oregon

Newport, Oregon is one of the best vacation spots around because of its vast history, beautiful attractions, delicious food, and fun things to do! It’s extremely popular for its historical lighthouses, unconventional lighthouses, and fishing action. And with the many luxury beach resorts and hostels, there’s always something made for every traveler, whether you’re on a budget or going all out, solo or with your loved ones.

But when you’re planning your trip, you’re probably wondering: When are the best times of year to visit Newport, Oregon? Read on to find out!


The Best Times of Year to Visit Newport, Oregon

We base our recommendations on various factors, such as the weather, cost of flights and accommodation, the peak travel season, among others.

Budget-wise, the best times of year to visit Newport are from March to May. This is when the weather is warm enough, but the peak season hasn’t arrived. That way, you can take advantage of the fewer crowds and lower prices on flights and accommodation.

That said, if you’re after the best weather, then you’ll want to visit Newport from May to September, which is when the warmer months truly set in. Those who want to head to the beaches should head to the area during the peak summer season from July to September.

Even then, Newport experiences mild weather all year long, which is why you can continue enjoying your vacation regardless of the season. However, for those avoiding the cold, we recommend avoiding November to February, which is the winter season and considered some of the coldest months in the area.

Each traveler is different, and we understand that some may want to head to the area during warmer months while others love the cold. Or, you’ll want to make sure you head to Newport during certain festivals and events! Let’s break it down to the different months of the year.

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport 2 

January to March

The temperatures would go between the 50s to 60s, so this isn’t the best time to head to Newport, especially if you’re after the beach. The waters are too cold to swim in, and you can’t show off your beach bod!

However, we don’t want to stop you from visiting at this time because there’s so much the city can offer beyond beaches. You can visit the different attractions, such as art galleries, museums, nature trails, and more.

The best part is that you can avail cheaper accommodation rates and won’t need to wait in line when visiting different attractions. Not many people visit Newport at this time as their main focus is the beach, so they wait for the warmer months.

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport 3 

April to June

You will love spring in Newport, as so many different festivals abound! However, June is known as the June Gloom, sometimes bringing in overcast days. But you’ll still get to experience sunny weather and warmer times, which is why we consider it an excellent month to visit. Expect the temperatures to range between the high 60s to low 70s during these months.

Gray skies or not, there are so many things to do and spring events to attend, such as the Balboa Island Parade and Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race. Accommodation is still not at its peak, so it’s worth staying at these times too, to beat the high prices and crowds.

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport 4

July to September

July to September are some of the best months to visit Newport, especially when you’re after the ultimate beach and fishing trip! Sunshine is around almost every day, and you’ll definitely get a tan by the beautiful waters.

However, it will be pretty crowded, so expect long lines and lots of people. You might have to make more effort in finding the perfect spot at the beach. Furthermore, expect the peak season to cause higher prices in flights and accommodation, so prepare to pay a little extra.

Note that the busiest month for tourism in the area is August, followed by June and July! So prices for flights and hotels are at their highest, but you can save a lot when you book in advance.

That said, it’s worth heading to, especially with the weather and many events to attend. The Newport Beach Film Festival happens in August, while you can enjoy music during the Newport Jazz Festival from July to August.

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport 5 

October to December

Newport doesn’t have snow or freezing weather, so you can continue enjoying the beach in the fall season. In October, the temperatures are usually within the 60s, but it drops to the mid-50s when December arrives.

While it’s a bit chilly to take a dip in the ocean, everyone will enjoy the many different holiday events! There are Halloween bar crawls, Christmas yacht parties, and so much more. Plus, you’ll love walking around the city adorned with colorful lights, setting the holiday spirit and lots of cheer.

Here are some of the festivals you can expect to happen during these months:


Wrapping It Up

When considering the time you’ll visit Newport, Oregon, you have to take into account what you plan to do, where you’ll be staying, the weather, your budget, among other factors. We recommend traveling from March to May to get good weather without high prices. But if you want to visit for the best weather and experience fun festivals, we recommend visiting from June to September.

Hopefully, our article helped you with your plans for Newport! If you’re heading to the area, why not book a fishing charter as well? Contact us for your fishing needs, and let’s talk about how we can make your fishing trip a memorable one!

Best Times of Year to Visit Newport 1

Schedule your Oregon Fishing Charter Today!